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Our Thoughts on Downsizing


As a moving company based in Nashville, we see a lot of people moving in and out of the Nashville area. According to, 82 people move to Nashville each day. Growth is in the air for the Music City and we’re so grateful to be a part of it. Many of our clients move for different reasons; some to upsize and some to downsize. We’ve had the chance to assist with those downsizing, and we’ve made some interesting observations over the years. Here are some of them.

It’s A ProcessDownsizing can not be done all in one sweep. Our customers go through their things once and think they are done. But they soon realize they still have too much stuff and will not be able to fit it all in their new home. So they go through their things a second and third time getting rid of more each time. It’s a process that happens over time. Getting rid of possessions is not easy. It takes time and the mental energy can take a toll. This brings us to our next observation, the psychological and emotional experience can be unexpected.

It can be a very psychological and emotional experienceThings have a sentimental value attached to them. Some more than others. This is what makes getting rid of things so hard. Gifts from people who may longer be with us, award plaques from childhood, photo albums, record collections, doll collections, and more tend to stick around for many reasons. These are things that take up much more than just a physical space. These things carry memories, emotions, nostalgia. We even keep things from failed relationships because they bookmark a time in our lives that we want to remember. The process of letting these things go can be costly because we’re afraid to throw away such important keepsakes of our lives.

Hopes and Dreams tend to live in PossessionsIn addition to memories and emotions, our possessions can hold our hopes and dreams. A lot of us hold onto things we bought a long time ago because we wanted to start something. For example, one of our colleagues bought an expensive set of golf clubs a while back. He wanted to become a golfing champion, but never managed to take one lesson. For decades the golf clubs sat in his storage facility collecting dust. When it was time for him to downsize he had a hard time letting go of those clubs, because they were a reminder about that dream he once had. Unfortunately, a part of life is moving on from loss and that is the difficulty in downsizing.

It can be a very freeing experienceOn a brighter note, once things are eventually thrown away, there comes a freeing experience. It’s almost instantaneous. Our customers have shared that they feel a relief like a burden has been lifted. These things that they held onto so dearly not only took up physical space, but took up a mental space as well. After the process of letting go is complete there’s a rejuvenation and refreshing. Although a very difficult embarking, the process of downsizing ends up being therapeutic.

At Ease Moving Service is a state of the art moving company. Dignified in providing passionate service while assisting customers through the transitions that come along with moving. We take you on a fulfilling journey and ensure your precious cargo is handled with the best white glove care. Our professional experienced staff provide unmatched peaceful experiences by ensuring all items are properly wrapped and padded. We treat your items like they are our very own. We pride ourselves on providing a thumbs up service. We ensure each customer has an “all aboard” experience upon the initial interaction of our moving ship.Our main objective is to protect the customer from the rockiness & natural turbulence that occurs from the nature of moving. For more information or to request a free, no-hassle quote, contact us at (615) 768-1692.

Darrius Allen