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Best Times To Move


There’s no doubt household moving can take a lot out of you.  It can be stressful, time consuming, and tedious. Some might go as far as to say that there’s never a good time to move. However, there are certain times a day, certain times a week, and certain times a year to move. In this post, we will share which times are the best to make your next move.

We’ll start off with the best times of year to move. Looking at moving trends over the years, we can definitely see a pattern of high activity during one part of the year and low activity during another part of the year. For example, spring and summer proves to be a very popular time of year to move. Children are out of school and spring apartment specials are up. Home prices are higher during these times of year as well.  However, we recommend planning your move during the off months. If you can move in the winter or late fall, you’ll miss a big part of the frenzy. You’ll find cheaper moving prices with professional movers, more flexibility and more options to choose from. Another benefit to moving during this time of year is that the weather is a lot cooler which allows your moving crew to work faster. You’ll get things done a lot quicker not having to plan your day around obnoxious heat.

The best times of the week to move is on a week day after rush hour. Roadways will be less hectic. Neighbors will probably be at work, and you’ll have a lot more freedom to move around because parking lots and interstates will be less crowded. Not to mention moving companies offer steep discounts to movers during the week. If you can afford to take the day off, you can take advantage of these benefits.

Try to move as early in the day as possible. That way, you’ll have more daylight hours in case something goes wrong. We once had a customer get locked out of her house. We had to stand around and wait for a locksmith to open the door so we can continue loading the truck. This halted the moving process by at least 3 hours. It was a good thing we still had daylight after the lock was finally open. Even though you think the move should only take a couple hours, plan for plenty of time just in case something like that happens. See our video about moving mistakes to avoid for other helpful tips.

There are many ways to facilitate a household move. Our goal is to make sure your move is done with ease, whether you work with us or not. If you’re hoping to move with as less stress as possible, it makes sense to follow these tips. We’ll admit that these tips may not work for everyone as every situation is different. But if you can take advantage of these moving times, you’ll reap all the benefits they have to offer.

Darrius Allen